What if you, being you, are the gift, the change and the possibility our world requires?
There is so much out there inviting you to get in touch with your higher self, inspiring you to think positive and find your life’s purpose, encouraging you to reach for a state of being above where you are now … all of it based on the premise that who you are right now, is not enough.
What if the idea that you are not enough and somehow wrong is the biggest lie you’ve ever bought? What if there’s more right with you than you’ve dared to imagine?
Are you ready to take living to a whole new level?
Building on Dr. Heer’s book Being You, Changing the World, these classes feature a method Dain has developed and continues to expand. He uses the tools of Access Consciousness in combination with the unique transformational energy process he has developed, called The Energetic Synthesis of Being.
These classes have no prerequisites and every event is uniquely created by the people who choose to come. Together, we’ll go on a journey of creation… to a space that has never existed before.
For more details about this specific event or to contact your event coordinator, please go here.
Location: TBA
Berna Sirin- sirineberna@yahoo.com
Ayla Aydin- ainossgk@gmail.com
Berrak Banu Tarim- berrakbanu@yahoo.com
Ayse Ebru Tarim Dilekcan – ebruaccess@gmail.com
Nilgun Cekirge- ncekirge@gmail.com
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