Dain's Story | Dr. Dain Heer's Bio
Dr. Dain Heer




Hello you!

This is the page where I get to introduce myself to you. Before I do, let me just say THANK YOU for being here. I consider it a gift to get to meet you, even if it is just this page for the moment.

You may be thinking… but he doesn’t even know me. In some sense, that is true, on the surface, at least. That said, I may know more than you think, my friend.

I know that if you’ve clicked around this site, and are still here, you’re probably seeking a different possibility. And I know that if you’re on this particular page, you may be hoping that my story can contribute something to you that will lead you to that possibility.

I also know that you’re ready to be empowered, not just inspired. (Inspired is excellent, but as with inspirational quotes printed on coffee mugs, after a while, it fades.)

That said, I’m not some guru asking you to follow me. I am probably a lot like you: someone who has always known THERE HAS TO BE MORE.


Twenty years ago, I was working as a chiropractor, engaged to be married, and living in beautiful California. Yet, in my practice, I was frustrated by all the existing modalities and techniques I had been taught. They all seemed to provide only temporary relief and change for my clients and myself…

I had gotten to a point where I had everything that was supposed to make a person happy – and it had absolutely no value to me.  I had tried every single modality for inner peace I could find, but I was still dying inside. I was so deeply unhappy I was considering suicide.  I even set a date.  I gave the Universe six months to change my life…

Well, the Universe heard the demand and not long after that, I found an article in the local newspaper that read, “All of life comes to me with Ease, Joy & Glory. Call Shannon.”

When I first read that, all I wanted to do was kill this person. I didn’t even know her, but the very thought that someone would take the time to put something so audacious in the paper made my skin crawl. I crumpled up the paper and threw it away.

But the next week, the paper came out again, and there it was again! “All of life comes to me with Ease, Joy & Glory. Call Shannon.”

This time, I knew I had to call her since it triggered me so much. I know that if something evoked me to that degree, there was something in there for me to explore. I had always known that.


So I called Shannon. We ended up chatting over the phone, and she invited me to have my Bars run. I remember getting off that table and feeling a sense of peace that I hadn’t perceived… maybe ever. The suicidal thoughts never came back.

Soon after that, I met Gary Douglas, the founder of this work called Access Consciousness. He came to my chiropractic office and radically changed the course of my life by acknowledging me for MY VERY BEING.

I know that may sound airy-fairy at this point in your journey… I get it. I had no idea what the heck that meant either. But what I can tell you is that when someone sees you with no judgment, not even buying the ones you have of you, your whole world can melt.

There are no words for the gift that Gary, and subsequently, the Access Consciousness tools, has been for me.

To truly know the gift that you be for the world is unlike anything this placebo pushing reality can ever provide.


I’m here now, introducing myself to you, with the ask that I can contribute to you what these tools once gifted (and keep gifting) to me.

Please consider this an invitation to the life that you always knew could exist but never knew how to make happen. This is a totally different toolbox that will help you generate a totally different life.

Only you know if Access Consciousness and these classes in “being you” would benefit you. Your life, after all, is up to only one person – you.

Shall we?

Dain Heer


Access Consciousness® is weird, wacky – and it works.  It actually works!