THANK YOU for being here. It means you’re probably seeking a different possibility. I hope my story can contribute something that will lead you to that.
I´d like to see the world a happy place.
How about you?
Twenty-something years ago, I was on the verge of killing myself because I knew that my world ( and the whole world) should be different… and yet nothing was working.
At that moment, when I was ready to give up, I found some amazing tools that changed… EVERYTHING!

You see, I grew up with my mother in a ghetto area of Los Angeles. During these years, I was exposed to mental, physical, emotional, sexual and monetary abuse.
Everything I chose and wanted was taken from me, so very early on, I learned that I didn’t own anything, including me.
Today, I am a co-creator of Access Consciousness and am known for a unique energetic transformation process, The Energetic Synthesis of Being (ESB). I travel worldwide with unique perspectives on consciousness and personal transformation, and I am the author of multiple books on relationships, consciousness, healing, money and embodiment.
Heck, my best-selling book Being You, Changing the World even sparked an international movement, including the International Being You Day!

A regular in the media, I have been featured on hundreds of top podcasts, magazines, documentaries, and television shows.
My desire for possibilities and a greater planet trickles into projects like Castello di Casalborgone, a luxurious castle in Italy restored to its former glory, a ranch in Houston, USA, and El Lugar in Costa Rica, an eco-retreat built in communion with Earth.
Who could have guessed? Not me. And yet here it is.
Life, even greater than I ever could have imagined.
But most of all, I’ve discovered the power of allowance and choice, the kindness of just being, and the resilience to transform challenges into gifts of awareness and curiosity.
Instead of answers, conclusions, and judgments that kept me stuck in a cycle of no choice and no change, I found my way to the moments of awe that have the power to change anything.

So – I’m here with the ask to contribute to you what these tools keep gifting me. I invite you to recognize your own abilities and knowing.
What if living without apology, with total presence, and no longer needing to hide your differences and unique capacities from the world is possible?
What if you, truly being the difference you be,
is what this world requires?