What if creating the life you truly desire in all areas is available and possible and not as hard as might you think?
If you could have anything you desire as your life, what would it be? What areas of your life would you like to have change? What’s OK in your life right now, maybe even good, that you would like to be even better?
Since you’ve found this page and you’re reading this, you’re probably someone who likes change now, so here’s your first tool for all of that change: All of life comes to me with ease and joy and glory.
The first time I heard this phrase, the mantra of Access Consciousness, I wanted to scream! There was this small ad in the local paper that read: “All of Life Comes To Me with Ease and Joy and Glory. Call Shannon”
I just wanted to tear the newspaper apart — Ease and Joy and Glory!?!? My life seemed to be everything but that. Argh!
Anyhow, I had learned that when I resisted something that much, there was always a possibility for greater beyond it. So I did call. And that was the start of a journey that has changed my whole life.
Here is the thing; Along the way, I seemed to have forgotten how powerful that mantra really is.
Would you be willing to come along with me in the video above and let yourself be introduced to these 12 words? Please know, the three first words are crucial: All. Of. Life. Everything – the good, the bad, and the ugly – comes to us with ease and joy and glory.
Therein lies the secret. Therein lies the peace.
All of life comes to me with ease and joy and glory.
– Dain
Listen to this interview with Dr. Dain Heer on ‘the Wellness Couch’ for simple tools on creating more space, ease and lightness in your life: