This intensive takes you deeper into the wondrous adventure of Dr Dain Heer’s Energetic Synthesis of Being (ESB). The ESB is a unique way of transforming limitations into possibilities and healing, for you, the world and the planet.
Join Dr. Dain Heer in Edmonton this September!Have you ever really acknowledged what we’re truly capable of? What if you realized that you are the possibility this planet has for creating a world beyond judgment and destruction as a necessity? Yes, you my friend. What would it be like if every time in the next few days when something came up where you felt like you had to make yourself less or go in to judgment or make yourself smaller or feel bad about you or judge you or make you wrong you went… “No! Not today.” Just like that. This reality is basically designed to separate you from consciousness, the greatness of you and the capacities you truly have. That doesn’t mean you have to buy any of it as true! What if you let the wrongness go and allowed yourself to see how easy it can actually be to change the entire makeup of your reality and how you show up in the world? Starting today? Are you ready to leap? If yes, maybe consider joining us in Edmonton! EDMONTON – Access Level 2&3 You are invited to go beyond the limitations of this reality with Access Level 2 & 3 facilitated by Dr. Dain Heer. These classes are about giving you access to the space where you begin to recognize the truth, the potentials and the capacities of you as an infinite being. What catalyst for change could you be in the world if you unleashed the real you? Generating your life is different from creating it. For creation to occur, there always has to be destruction. Generating your life is a moment-by-moment increase in what is possible in your life. When you stop creating from your past you can start generating a future that is unlimited. What if sensing the possibilities could replace judgment of everywhere you are right or wrong? Duration: 4 days (2 days for Level 2 & 2 days for Level 3) Find out more and sign up here:
Facebook Event EDMONTON – A Taste of Being What if the journey to BEING the infinite being you truly are, is the greatest adventure you will ever go on? If you had the steps to being…would you take the journey? As part of Access Consciousness®, Dr. Dain Heer has created a unique series of classes on the elements of being that are designed to empower you to know that YOU are the creator of your life and living. In these evening classes, called the A Taste of Being, you will get to explore what is possible in these three signature classes, The Being You Changing the World Event, the Energetic Synthesis of Being Class and the Symphony of Possibilities Training Duration: 7pm to 9pm Find out more and sign up here: |