Join Dr. Dain Heer in Rome this October!Consciousness includes every culture that exists and every culture that ever will. It includes every type of person that currently exists and every type of person that ever will. Just look at that for a second…in consciousness, everything and everyone exists and no-one and nothing is judged. Does that sound like the type of world you would like to live in? If yes, then please know, the path to where you would like to go is not at all like the path you think it’s going to be. Consciousness works from the smallest element of what you would like to change, to the grandest possibilities of what we together can create. What if it’s time for us to wake up and realize there truly is something right and great and wonderful about us that we just haven’t been willing to tap into and know? What capacity and possibility are you and do you have that you’ve been refusing to know? Up until…now? Are you ready to leap? If yes, maybe consider joining us in Rome! ROME, ITALY – Access Level 2&3 You are invited to go beyond the limitations of this reality with Access Level 2 & 3 facilitated by Dr. Dain Heer. These classes are about giving you access to the space where you begin to recognize the truth, the potentials and the capacities of you as an infinite being. What catalyst for change could you be in the world if you unleashed the real you? Generating your life is different from creating it. For creation to occur, there always has to be destruction. Generating your life is a moment-by-moment increase in what is possible in your life. When you stop creating from your past you can start generating a future that is unlimited. What if sensing the possibilities could replace judgment of everywhere you are right or wrong? This class will be simultaneously translated into many different languages! For information & to attend click here!
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