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This new DVD set, is one of the most dynamic (and humorous!) classes ever facilitated on the topic of money by Dr. Dain Heer. It was recorded in Dublin, Ireland in Spring of 2013. During this very special day, Dr. Dain Heer introduced new perspectives and hundreds of Access tools and processes to totally change the way you’ve been of functioning in the area of wealth and abundance and gave tools to finally end the struggle with money.
What if everything you’ve ever learned about or decided about money is out-of-date or incorrect? What if money isn’t the issue? What if it’s actually about how much you’re willing to receive? Would receiving more allow you to contribute more to you, to everyone around you — and the world? What would that be like? This is a special class that will allow you to dive deep into what is stopping you from having the money and abundance you truly desire and give you the tools to create a financial reality beyond what you’ve decided is possible. Is now the time?
Special Being You With Money Process Loop
This is a unique two hour special audio-loop of all the verbal processes from the Being You with Money Class in Dublin, Ireland, recorded by Dr. Dain Heer. This is one of the most dynamic loops Dain has ever created in the Money area. This will increase the effects from class and assist you in starting to function differently with money. You can listen in your car, while you sleep, or when you’re working out…. The more you listen, the more you will start to change in this area of your life.
About Dr. Dain Heer
Dr. Dain Heer is an internationally renowned author, speaker, facilitator and energy transformation virtuoso. Despite growing up as the only white kid in a ghetto in Los Angeles, California and experiencing abuse of every kind, Dain never chose to be a victim. Along the way Dain discovered personal transformation, allowance, courage, and resilience. He has learned to transform life’s challenges into a gift of strength. In the end, what came forward was the kindness, which is still him. Dain has become an internationally recognized thought leader in transforming lives and creating different choices – willing to empower people to see different possibilities and to recognize what is truly possible for them. He invites people to more consciousness from total allowance, caring, humor and a phenomenal knowing.
For your special price with bonus go here to purchase! CLICK HERE!