Sleep with the energies of the universe
Dain Heer Energy Loops


Would you like to surround yourself with the space and energy of… YOU?


If yes, welcome to the Energetic Synthesis of Being 10-hour Loops!

You can play these at night while you sleep, or during the day while you play, while you work, anytime really…

You can listen cognitively to the words or just let these loops vibrate on the lowest volume as an ongoing frequency of possibilities.

There’s no wrong way to engage and explore these loops. Play with them – and discover in what way they contribute the most to you!

Ease, Joy & Glory

Abundance of You

Money Ease

Explore the whole playlist



Would you like to take these audios with you anywhere?

Enjoy the convenience of having these audios available anytime, without having to use YouTube.

It includes the video replay, and the MP3 audio download too.

What infinite lightness, abundance and space can you have and spread through the world?

These are the selected loops available for purchase.