Do you know these 3 Unspoken Truths about the self-awareness journey?
Acknowledging them can change everything!
So often on this self-growth journey, we create a utopian ideal or fantasy of what we think it will look like.
And, when our experiences don’t match up with how we think it should be…well, then things get interesting!
Doubt ourselves.
Think we must be doing it wrong.
Give up.
So, let’s dive in:
1 – You’re Never Going to Get ‘There’
Sorry kids, there is no arrival. Life is a constant unfolding, shifting, changing and learning dynamic.
If you think that some day you will arrive at the ultimate zen of awareness and that your journey will be done…well, then every time you move through a new area of growth it’s really easy to judge yourself.
Acknowledge that it is all a journey and it is the journey, not the destination that truly matters.
2 – There’s Nothing to Fix
AKA, you are not wrong. No matter where you are at in your life, what you have or have not achieved there is nothing wrong with you.
You’re amazing. This journey isn’t about judging yourself into a “better” or “good” version of you.
It’s about constantly expanding and learning. If you are aware of other possibilities than what you are currently choosing or experiencing – awesome!
Let them guide you, but you don’t have to judge yourself to get there.
3 – Things ARE Gonna Get Messy
Growth is all about going *beyond* where you are currently at. I know, crazy concept. 😉
That means getting out of your comfort zone.
It means choosing and doing things you’ve never done before.
No one is graceful all the time.
In fact, it is our choices that create awareness. Not just the choices that work out. Even the “failures” show us what we would like to create instead.
You are brave and magical and a gift.
This journey is not for the faint of heart.
How much more fun can you have along the way?
How much more can you acknowledge yourself and all that you are choosing and being in the world?
I hope this contributed to you – and look out for more content like this coming soon!
P. S – If you’re feeling a bit stuck on things and could use a little more support, head on over to check out my You Got This audios. There are audios for pretty much everything 😉
P. P. S – And if you’re interested in an even deeper dive, I have a monthly You Got This! membership too!
You are warmly welcome.
And for more information, tools, and resources, you can always visit my website: