Hi, nice to meet you.
I’ll tell you about me in just a bit, but really, I’d rather learn about YOU.
I’d like to know what makes you tick.
What puts a really big smile on your face?
How did you get into doing whatever it is that you do?
What do you love about it?
What do you hate about it?
What would you like to be different, and greater in your life?
And in our world?
What possibilities do you see for our world?
What is it you know that no one has ever asked of you, that if they did, would allow you to expose your true brilliance?
These are just some of the questions I’d like to ask you, if we ever have a chance to have a good old-fashioned conversation.
So about me…
(Or as it sounds to me… Blah blah blah….)
I guess the quote that sums it up best is:
“You may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one.”
Thank you John Lennon and all the other dreamers out there, whomever, and wherever you may be.
We’ve got a world that needs to be re-awakened! Let’s do this!
And that is pretty much my job. And my greatest joy.
Seeing the miracle that lies within each of us, and coaxing it out, so it can shine and fly as the brilliance it was always meant to be.
I think perhaps the next most important thing about me is that I make a mean margarita!
There. Had to say it.
Now all the “more-normal” stuff:
(Are you still reading? Maybe you should have a margarita….)
I’m the co-creator of Access Consciousness, a worldwide company with a $30 million turnover and a 10-20% per annum growth rate.
We empower people to know that they know and give them tools to change pretty much anything. FAST. And permanently.
And we laugh a lot while doing it, because not taking yourself too seriously is a recipe for a very full life.
I deliver classes, write books, am officially a “YouTuber” (no, really, YouTube told me so…) and I’ll do just about anything else I can think of that will allow me to contribute to people in changing their lives for the greater. And get happier too!
We could use more happy people, don’t ya think?
I’ve also authored many best-selling books, though my personal fave is Being You, Changing The World.
I’m also the co-owner of a small castle in Italy where elegance, silence, and SPACE are the valuable products. Oh, and PHENOMENAL FOOD.
(Did I mention the PHENOMENAL FOOD? Yum! 😋)
I’m also part of creating an elegant earth-friendly resort in Costa Rica – El Lugar!
One of our tenets in building it was that no tree should be cut down. And we followed through.
We’re using technology to limit its ecological and energy footprint SUBSTANTIALLY.
Oh yeah, it will also have the largest single event space in Costa Rica.
And it’s elegant! And comfortable. Two things very seldom associated with Earth-friendly.
You can find out more about it online here or you can watch the video below!
There are so many other things, but I’m really bored talking this much about me.
If you’d like to know more, reach out.
And if we don’t have the pleasure of connecting, my wish for you is that you see how truly great and brilliant you are and create your life from there, and bask in the success and happiness it brings.
Big hug new friend,
PS – If you’d like to find out more from me, follow my series of videos – The Tour of Consciousness!