I had a date in my diary for my suicide. I had a beautiful girlfriend and everything looked great. But I was dying inside. I woke up every day more and more depressed. I got to the point where I couldn’t handle it and I thought, “Either my life changes or I’m killing myself.” And I literally meant it. What happened next not only turned my life around, but consequently changed the trajectory of everything. I came across this ad for this thing called Access Consciousness – something I’d never heard of. And it said, “All of life comes to me with ease and joy and glory.” I got so angry, I threw the paper away. My life was not glorious. It was pain and suffering. I saw the ad again the following week; and I learned long ago, if you love something or hate something, then you know there is something there to explore. So I called the girl and I booked a session with her. I left that session, looking up at the clouds in the sky saying, “Has it always been this beautiful here?” It saved my life. All of a sudden had this amazing sense of gratitude.
So what are some ways we can change our mindset to feel more fulfilled with life?
#1 Finding fulfilment in how you treat others
Many people like to strive to find a career that changes the world, and then are disappointed when this isn’t the case. What if you started looking at whose life you are changing by showing up and being you. For example, you might not think your job drastically impacts anything; but maybe you being there in the office helps make people’s lives around you better. Are you mentoring a junior and helping with their career growth? Are you a part of organizing a workplace social event, making someone in the office a little less lonely? We always think we need to make change on a massive scale; but what if we look at what we are doing by just showing up. And what if THAT can have a trickle effect.
#2 Live your life in 10 second increments
If you live your life in 10 second increments, you become really present and it gets you to be more proactive. Try it now by asking yourself, “If I had 10 seconds to live my life, what would I choose?” It makes you consider the situation you’re in. People will realize, ‘Wow, I’m in a job I hate, and in a situation I don’t want to be in and they get clarity on that.’ What happens then is you begin to recognize you have the capacity to change. If every lifetime is 10 seconds, then you have a chance to choose again and take action. On the flip side, it also makes you more grateful, as you might look around and be surrounded by loved ones in a place you love, so are happy with your existence.
#3 Ask your body what it wants
People are often in constant state of judgement with their bodies. They want it to look skinny, to not age, and they’re constantly hating it. But if you treated your dog or friend like that, they’d never want to hang out with you. What is required to change this dynamic is to start asking your body questions. I recommend asking questions like, “Body, what would you like to eat?”, “Body, what would you like to wear?”, and “Body, who would you like to have sex with?”. This will allow you to have a more honoring relationship with the skin you’re in, which in turn leads to confidence and self love.
P.S. For additional tools I’ve used to change my life and transform the depression I used to experience, please check out my free email series on suicide awareness at www.drdainheer.com/nevergiveup
P.S. And for even more fun adventures with being you, I invite you to my next Being You Class in Mexico City! I’m so excited!
P.S.S. And lastly, for the full article in My Body+Soul, please check it out here!