Some things we’ve been entrained OUT OF. Like having the total joy of orgasmic living!
As kids, many of us actually had this capacity naturally… On hot summer days, we would eat an ice-cream with total presence in every molecule of our body: letting the cold sweet ice-crystals infuse our body with the tingling pleasure of magic.
And then, at some point, we get distracted by this reality, and what is supposed to be important. Distracted to the point that we no longer prioritize, or even notice, the orgasmic moments of living.
What if you could reclaim your capacity for the joy of orgasmic living, starting TODAY?
Here is a DAILY PRACTICE to awaken your awareness of these moments that together create a new way of living. Brought to you all the way from the beaches of Langkawi, Malaysia…
Give it a go? Just for the next few days.
PS – You can still join me online or in Vienna, June 16-19, for a 4-day adventure into this topic – The Joy of Orgasmic Living (Finding Your Personal Orgasm in Life and Living). Go here to learn more!