Be Part Of Creating A New Future Earth


I want to invite you to something special. Something I’ve never done before, and that I’m so excited about, I want to hire a plane to write it across the sky… wanna be part of creating a new future earth?

First: a story

I know, I know – I love a good tale! I promise I’ll keep it relevant…with a little Dr. Dain flair here and there for good measure.

Recently, I sat down for a night of Netflix and chill. Yes, I do watch Netflix occasionally, when I’m getting my Bars run and not trying to take photos with my telescope!

I watched the incredible documentary released by Sir David Attenborough, “A Life On Our Planet”.

And let me tell you, beautiful you, I was floored. If you haven’t seen this documentary yet, run, don’t walk! I’ll wait right here until you’re done.

Okay…are you back? Let’s continue.

I was blown away by the phenomenal beauty of this planet we live on

And I wouldn’t say I’d forgotten how amazing our earth is, but I would say that I, like many of you, have been in “first aid mode” – trying to deal with the hurdles this year has thrown at us.

Watching this documentary made me realize…I would like to get back to hope. I’d like to shift gears into even more creation.

And, I desire to create with the earth. Because while some people may have watched this documentary and felt despair for the future of our planet, I felt hope. Hope for a new future earth.

We know that the way we’re living isn’t sustainable.

But I know that we have the tools to create a new future with and for our earth, in which we can all thrive and enjoy the beauty of the world around us.

Which leads me to why I’m reaching out to you today.

I’ve decided to revisit something we launched last year – Earth Wizards Challenge – and I’m inviting you to participate! There are so many tools of Access Consciousness in this group that contribute to shift into creation mode, with a specific focus on this beautiful planet of ours!

Here’s a video from me about it:



It’s free, and will be running in this Facebook Group, with other tidbits across my social channels (my Instagram and Facebook).

The intention? To delight you, inspire you and help you reconnect to the energy of this magic rock we call home.

There are daily challenges and calls to action; videos, series and films to watch; zoom calls with me, and tools that you can use to start creating.

Together, we’re going to start creating a new future, and a sustainable living earth that we know is possible.

Are you in? go here.

See you soon,




