What if there is something larger than life — and beyond the boring monotony often referred to as “life”? What if that something is as simple as being totally ALIVE, with every molecule in your body and being present and vibratingly…ON?
Are you ready for the adventure of LIVING? For real? …where every day has its own unique magic showing up in ways you can’t even imagine?
And yes, I went running with the universe again! Gotta love my feet…they always come with me!
This time we’re hitting the pavement in Basel, Switzerland! Please come with me as I revisit this joyful Tour of Consciousness!
Is now the time to welcome all those unknown wonders that are waiting for you? One day we’ll explore them together!
And what if you ask: If my life were an adventure, what would I choose that I never have been willing to choose before? And if I was living my life for the adventure of it, what else would be possible that has never been possible before?
So are you ready for the adventure of living?
P.S. For additional tools and exploring right now…
Six videos about the tools I use every single day: https://drdainheer.com/whatnow/.