Surviving the Holidays!
Feeling Strange AF? It’s not your fault!
Recognize that you’re highly aware. Holiday season is like a big game of telephone with billions of people!
During this episode of The Possibility Explorer Podcast, I share my favorite tools to have more fun, more space, more lightness and more of you during this time of year!
Life Hacks mentioned in this episode:
1.The ‘Who Does This Belong To Tool’ – a key part of surviving the holidays, and the tool that continues to surprise me with how much it works!
Is now the time to ask this for everything that comes into your world? Download the free app to remind yourself!
2. Change the stress with ease! What if you could become aware of everywhere you’re buying the point of the view that the whole holiday season is an obligation and that there’s no space for you, no space for fun, no space for doing what you want to do – would you be willing to POC and POD that?
If you’re wondering what those crazy words are, you can listen to an episode of this podcast all about The Access Clearing Statement!
3. What if you could choose what is light for you?
4. Give yourself the gift of the Access Consciousness Bars®. What if you could find the space of you and have it available always? Even during the holidays! Find a practitioner and get your Bars run!
5. Meet “Justan Ipov” & make him your best friend. The tool that gets you to true allowance; where everything is just an Interesting Point of View.
6.POC & POD the PESJRs. Perceive the freedom that could be possible in your world if you weren’t at the effect of projections, expectations, separations, judgments and rejections.
Grateful for you,
P.S. If you’d like more Life Hacks to live by, explore other episodes of The Possibility Explorer podcast here.