Today I have a mission, a challenge, a request for you all the way from Langkawi, Malaysia.
Tap into the most beautiful place you know on Earth.
Now, would you be willing to go beyond its beauty and acknowledge the amazing being that is choosing to show up in this way?
Would you be willing to be grateful for the being that is creating the beauty… Earth?
Would you be willing to receive the contribution it is capable of gifting you?
Continuously. And right now.
It is not just beautiful, this amazing planet we call home, it is phenomenal.
P.S. For more videos, tools and questions for being the change we wish to see in the world, please visit here on my Tour of Consciousness page. In addition, for a further discussion about the earth, please visit here.
P.S.S. And for even more, please check out my upcoming class Being You, Awakening the Sleeping Giant Within here.