Happy Nerd alert. Some of you are gonna LOVE experimenting with this one!
The clearing statement is the weirdest and best tool you never knew you needed as it allows you to change (almost) anything by stopping you from being as limited as you used to be.
Move over “Cancel/Clear,” POC AND POD ARE HERE!
Discover why these superheroes of consciousness need a place at the dinner table of your life and why they’ll be your new friends at every transformitzvah! (Yes, I made that up. No, I’m not Jewish. It just sounded kinda cool! 😬 ).
Think of smashing glasses into the fireplace and yelling, “Opa!” Or in this case, “ba-bye mutha-f***a” to your limitations and every place you act stupid but you’re not (and all the yuck, stuck, and wtf?! in life).
1- The Clearing Statement or POC and POD
Use it whenever you notice something that feels heavy, yuck, stuck or WTF, and every time you have a judgment of you or anyone else.
2- PESJR’s
Projections, Expectations, Separation, Judgments and Rejections destroy you, your life, and your relationships. Clear these every morning when you wake up to get free of them and be everything you are.
1- The Clearing Statement: https://www.accessconsciousness.com/theclearingstatement
2- Castello di Casalborgone: https://www.castellodicasalborgone.com/
3- PESJR: https://pesjr.com/
4- Vlog on Facebook: https://fb.watch/9HyD1RJhjw/
Grateful for you,
P.S. And for additional tools and further exploring right now…
Six videos about the tools I use every single day: https://drdainheer.com/whatnow/.
And to find out more about different classes that are coming up, please visit here!