I recently had the honor of being featured amongst other relationship experts in Popsugar’s publication, “50 Pieces of the Best Marriage Advice We’ve Ever Collected“.
Here are a few of the tips that you can incorporate in your life which make such a difference in all your relationships!
Keep showing gratitude to your partner.
Gratitude for your spouse is one of the greatest gifts you can give your partner and yourself. Every day, write a list of at least three things you’re grateful for about your partner. Bring it out whenever you need a reminder of the gift your spouse is in your life. Also, tell your partner every day how grateful you are for them.
Start from scratch each day.
Destroy and uncreate your relationship as it was yesterday, every day.
Don’t go to bed angry.
Never let the sun set on an argument. Before you go to sleep, after an argument or upset, bring out the gratitude list and let the resentment subside. You’ll be glad you did.
What else is possible now, my friends?!
P.S. And to get even more amazing tools and tips for creating the relationships you’d like, check out my online video course on Intimacy.
Grateful you are in the world, beautiful people!