We’re entering a brand new amazing year…
The best possible year — so far!
And I have a mission for you, my friends! BE HERE FOR THIS YEAR.
Be fully present, fully alive; receiving everything, judging nothing.
Well, that is the million-dollar question!
I made two videos for you with some tools that may assist…
This is part 1 of Tools for a New Year!
You can find part 2 here: https://youtu.be/JLJd8Iy3fEo
What if being fully present with everyone and everything is exactly what is required to create the year (and the world) you truly desire?
Happy New 2022!
P.S. And for additional tools and further exploring right now…
Six videos about the tools I use every single day: https://drdainheer.com/whatnow/.
And to find out more about different classes that are coming up, please visit here.