What do you need? Really.
Money? Food? A roof over your head?
To be loved? To be seen? To be appreciated?
To reach your goals? To be successful? To “make it”?
What if this whole need thing is just an… invention? A Catch 22 so big that we can’t even see it anymore?
Imagine for a moment that you had no needs of your partner? Or children? Or parents? Or friends?
Or they of you.
What if you didn’t have to spend any thoughts or energy to make sure you satisfied their needs, or that they satisfied yours?
How much time would you have? And freedom? And joy? And gratitude.
Did you watch the video?
Well, if any of that made you lighter, consider choosing to run this clearing 30 times a day for 30 days: What invention am I using to create the needs I am choosing?
Yes, choosing. The antidote to need.