When the seamen came to the edge of a map in the old days, they would say: “Here There Be Dragons.” That basically meant that what was beyond was unknown and unchartered.
What if that is exactly where we are right now? In the undefined, un-know, and un-chartered. What if that is where the magic lives, readying waiting to be explored – by us?
Join me as I discuss this further…. And I’m so excited for what is upcoming!
This I know: The space is now.
And in just a few weeks, I kick off a series of classes in Europe and Online Worldwide.
This is my invite to all explorers out there.
Will you go on the journey, my friend?
Until then – ahoy,
P.S. If you would like even more of a taste of the S P A C E that is possible, watch this video.
P.S.S. And for more information about my Europe Tour, please visit here!