Going Beyond the Dark Night of the Soul

One of my favorite tools in Access is the following:

What makes you lighter is true for you. What makes you heavier is a lie.

Now, this is a video about when NOTHING feels light AT ALL. This is about the dark nights of the soul and how to go beyond that…

So my friends, what if even a dark night could be…light? What if the resistance and reaction and checking out is what actually creates the darkness? What if you stopped judging it and avoiding it?

What if you just BE with it? What else is possible then?

Here’s the tool!
What have you made so vital about painful metamorphosis that keeps you from the ease and the joy of change that is truly possible for you? Everything that is will you destroy and uncreate it all? Right & Wrong, Good & Bad, POC & POD, All 9, Shorts Boys and Beyonds.

First time reading & hearing The Access Clearing Statement? Go here!

Would you like to know more about this light and heavy tool? It is truly amazing… Here is a Tour of Consciousness about that: http://youtu.be/A2EyGXO9C30




