Do you know what today is, my friend?
Well it’s not only my favorite ‘holiday’ of the year – Being You Day – but it also happens to be my birthday!
In some countries of the world, it’s a tradition to give presents to your friends and family on YOUR birthday – I LIKE THAT!
So in honor of today, I’d like to gift you 30% off anything in my online goodie bag of possibilities!
Just go here and use the code BIRTHDAY2022. You can use it as many times as you like! (*sale not applicable to Dive In with Dain, 30 Days of ESB, or any year long programs.)
Whatever you do today, what if it could be a celebration of YOU! What if you, being you, is the gift, the change and the possibility this world requires?
And don’t forget to head to www.beingyouday.com to check out all of the creations happening today – including a livestream with me and 24 awesome #beingyouchallenges!
Happy Being You Day,
P.S. For more about me and the Access Consciousness tools, please visit: http://www.drdainheer.com
P.S.S. And for even further exploring, here are six videos about the tools I use every single day: https://drdainheer.com/whatnow/.