A new and very close to my heart vlog!
I don’t often share about my personal life online; but this time I made an exception. I sat down for a chat with one of my favorite peeps on the planet – my sister Sarah! Who is also an Access Consciousness Certified Facilitator (how lucky am I?!)
It may just be one of the most personal videos I have ever put out there for the world to see but I did it cause I know it will contribute to you as much as it did for us when we filmed it (get ready, there’s a lot of crying in this one)! This is an oldie but a goodie.
Love you, sis!
P.S. For further exploring right now…
– What now? Six videos about the tools I use every single day: https://drdainheer.com/whatnow/.
– Who Does This Belong To? A whole playlist about the first tool I would give an alien can be found here.