What if the universe actually has your back? What if somewhere within, you KNOW that? What if the way it shows up just never ever looks like you think it will — or should? If you were willing to listen, what would the universe tell…Read More
This thing called consciousness, what the bleep does it have to do with you being you? Well… EVERYTHING! Consciousness is the one thing that when you add it to anything, it always gets greater. Always. And that ”anything” includes you. You + Consciousness = You…Read More
From this point forward, I would like to invite you to a different possibility. 😉 Are you ready? When your sh*t comes up, recognize that what it is doing is that it’s actually uncovering your fixed points of view from where you hid them. AND,…Read More
Most of you know the ‘Who Does This Belong To?’ tool, right? (If not, please go here. It is an amazing tool that everyone should have available!) Now, sometimes when you use this amazing tool, does the CRAP STILL HANG AROUND? Yes? Arghhh!!?!!?!??! Well, I’d…Read More
We are on the verge of creating a totally different world that… Includes all of us… And judges no one. A world that celebrates our differences, our uniqueness, and recognizes that THAT is actually the gift of us. What if we are the ones we’ve…Read More
You know that gut feeling you have about things? The one that makes you feel kind of heavy sometimes? And that gives you giddy butterflies other times? What if that is actually a very reliable guide in life? What’s true will always make you feel…Read More
Have you ever noticed that when you meet up with some friends, you feel lighter, happier, and you like you more? And when you hang out with other friends, your world contracts and you start doubting yourself and what you know? My question is: Are…Read More
There are very few things that I am not in the question about. But this is one. You know. You always know. And following that knowing — YOUR KNOWING — is the key to a life of ease, joy and glory. It is the key…Read More
We’ve been taught to use our minds as though they are the creation of our life. In actuality, the way I see it, your mind is actually a mechanism for control, not a mechanism for possibilities. It is a mechanism for destroying the possibilities that…Read More
Recently, I had the pleasure of being interviewed on the PakMag Parents Podcast, where host Bree James and I explored the topic of Nurturing Our Children’s Mental Health. We can all acknowledge that the last two years have been extremely difficult for so many people,…Read More