You know that gut feeling you have about things? The one that makes you feel kind of heavy sometimes? And that gives you giddy butterflies other times? What if that is actually a very reliable guide in life?
What’s true will always make you feel better and lighter. What’s a lie will always make you feel worse.
Here’s a very simple tool to find out everything that’s true for you and everything that’s not!
You’ll start knowing instantly when something will work for you and can make your life greater, and then you can choose accordingly.
Welcome to making choices and decisions with ease!
Here’s the tool:
Light or Heavy: Something that is true for you will always make you feel lighter, something that’s a lie will always make you feel heavier.
What if it’s time to come out of the wrongness of us, for anything we’ve ever chosen or done? What if now is the time to have the lightness of what’s true for us and not have to believe someone else is wrong if we choose something different?
Join me as I discuss this further…
What if you started playing with this tool and see what happens? I wonder how much more ease and fun you could have in your life?! 😉
Grateful for you,
P.S. For even more tools, please visit my YouTube page here, and my Tour of Consciousness page here.
P.S.S. For more about me and the Access Consciousness tools, please visit: http://www.drdainheer.com
And for even further exploring, here are six videos about the tools I use every single day: https://drdainheer.com/whatnow/.