How do you know when you’re being you and why does it matter? What if being you isn’t what you thought it was at all?… I had an amazing conversation with Emily Russell about just this! Please join me for this fun zoom about “WTF…Read More
We started the Being You Facilitator program a few years after the Being You book came out… The very first course was in Florence, Italy, in 2016. That is five years ago now. We have changed. The world has changed. The very idea, concept ……Read More
I may not have met you personally yet, but you are one of the coolest and bravest people in the world! Yes, you! Thank you for being you. Glory, glitter, warts and everything in between. You being you in the world makes it a far greater and…Read More
How often have you been at a crossroads in life, feeling like you’re living inauthentically? …And that if you could just get back to the “real you”, things would be easier? Here’s a controversial opinion (you know I don’t shy away from those!): What if…Read More
Do you ever think about … DYING? The big D, the end of EVERYTHING! Yeah, most of us try not to think about that too much. Me neither. More specifically, have you ever thought about what you’d like to have said about you AFTER you…Read More
What if you didn’t need to change in order to be happy? When trying to be happy, so many people think the solution lies in changing something about themselves. Have you ever thought any of the following: 👉 I’d be happier if I was more…Read More
WHAT IF YOU…TRULY BEING YOU… IS ACTUALLY THE GIFT AND THE DIFFERENCE OUR WORLD REQUIRES? How many times have you felt like you were the odd one out, and things would be so much easier if you just changed yourself to “fit the mold”? What…Read More
You can’t be talked into being you — you can only experience it. And choose it. My suggestion: Experience it more! How many experiences can you have that connect you with your being? That puts a smile on your face and makes you come alive!…Read More
I often talk about what being you is all about. This time I would like to talk about what it is NOT. Let me introduce you to six myths about being you! Join me as I discuss this more in depth in this video… 1….Read More
If you have the choice between knowing and thinking, which is faster? Knowing or thinking? Knowing, actually. Thinking is a linear construct of your mind. Knowing is instantaneous! The only time difficulties arise is when you go against your knowing. What if when you are…Read More