Being You Archives - Page 3 of 21 - Dr. Dain Heer

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Being You

What Is Being You and Being Different?

Author   Category Being You

Difference is where our greatness is. It is everything that is truly great about us, and for most of us, it is what we have been trying to hide. Instead of hiding, let’s explore that elusive word and concept of…. D-I-F-F-E-R-E-N-T. Join a few of…Read More

How Do You Respond To Different?

Author   Category Being You

When you meet someone who is willing to be all the difference they are, how do you respond? Does it inspire you? Are you drawn to it? What is different about YOU that you could embrace, rather than trying to hide it or run away…Read More

The Last Chapter

Author   Category Being You

Have you read the Being You, Changing the World book? And if no, are you brave enough to start with the very end of the book? 🙂 If yes, what did it shift and change for you? And is now the time to take it…Read More

What Can Change Everything?

Author   Category Being You

If you have the choice between knowing and thinking, which is faster? Knowing or thinking? Knowing, actually. Thinking is a linear construct of your mind. Knowing is instantaneous! The only time difficulties arise is when you go against your knowing. What if when you are…Read More



