We started the Being You Facilitator program a few years after the Being You book came out… The very first course was in Florence, Italy, in 2016.
That is five years ago now.
We have changed.
The world has changed.
The very idea, concept … possibility … of what being you is, and isn’t, has changed.
We even have a day now! An annual International Being You Day! 🙂
And still, for me, being you is at the core of every facilitation we do. Every step, as we move forward, gives us more capacity to truly be us – and CHANGE THE WORLD.
What is being you for you?
Where does it come into your life and into your facilitation?
Spoiler alert: EVERYWHERE!
If you would like to explore this more, from a dynamically-inclusive space, join us at the upcoming training at the end of June in Mexico and online worldwide.
And if you like this particular adventure, becoming a Being You Facilitator may be one of the funniest, most-challenging, surprising, greatest, ease and joy-filled journeys you could ever go on.
This is my invite to you all.
You know if this is for you – and if this is the year. Just ask!
See you there?Dain
For more information about this amazing class and event, please go here.