Being You Archives - Page 11 of 20 - Dr. Dain Heer

Being You

Adults of Consciousness

Author   Category Being You

I wonder if it is time for us to become adults of consciousness? To start to notice when we judge — and choose to stop?  To begin choosing from the Kingdom of We instead of the Kingdom of Me?  To have a reality created by…Read More

No More Defending

Author   Category Being You

How much of your life have you been defending for or against something? I know…. Pretty much all the darn time, right?!?! Now, just tap into the energy if you didn’t have to defend for or against ever again? Not when it comes to your…Read More

World Happiness Day

Author   Category Being You

In honor of World Happiness Day, I would like to tell you about a time when someone stole my happy! Arghhhhh! Come along to my castle and I will tell you! What is it for you, that is your happiness that no one else gets?…Read More

3 Tools For Living Authentically

Author   Category Being You

I have a question for you. What if the biggest obstacle keeping you from being the greatness that you are, is the fact that you are pretending to be someone you are not? Just take a moment to consider that. How does it feel? Light…Read More

What If You Could Like You?

Author   Category Being You

It is me again! I have a Holiday challenge for you! (Oh, and a correction.) The challenge: What if you could just like you, as you are, for the next few days? What if you did not have to to be perfect, to be wonderful?…Read More

Being Kind To YOU

Author   Category Being You

Kindness. What the bleep is that? I once asked my best friend Gary Douglas: What is the difference between being “nice” and being “kind”? He said that being nice is when your aim is to make people feel good. Being kind is the willingness to…Read More

3 Tips To Stop People Pleasing

Author   Category Being You

In every workplace and friendship circle, there’s often that one person who makes a habit of putting everyone else’s needs and wants before their own; and is often identified as a people pleaser.  Generous as that sounds, there’s a downside. This urge can begin to…Read More

Being Kind To You

Author   Category Being You

Today I am taking you to the rolling hills of Texas, USA. And yep, I am wearing a cowboy hat again. It is one of those days. I’d like to talk to you about being kind…to you.  And I’d like to talk to you about: STOP…Read More

Are You A People Pleaser?

Author   Category Being You

Should you try and please everyone? There’s an old saying that “You can please some people all the time. You can please all of the people some of time; but you can’t please everyone all the time.” What if there is a different possibility? Here…Read More



