You know how once in a while something comes along that changes your entire life? I mean…REALLY CHANGES your entire life? Do you notice how it’s often a surprise when it happens but totally unmistakeable after the fact? This may just be one of those…Read More
What would be possible if you didn’t have to feel contracted, compressed or at the effect of the world around you anymore? What would your life be like if you had a sense of space and peace wherever you are? No matter where you are…Read More
How much of what you’re creating as your life are you actually doing for someone else? Your partner, your kids, your parents, your friends, your culture? ALL THAT AND MORE??? Let’s try a little experiment… Imagine that everyone that is in your life right now……Read More
There are very few things that I am not in the question about. But this is one. You know. You always know. And following that knowing — YOUR KNOWING — is the key to a life of ease, joy and glory. It is the key…Read More
If I ask you: What do you truly desire? Do you have the answer ready? Maybe even a ten-point list? Prioritized by importance? 🙂 Maybe. Some of you do. And many of you can’t find the right words and feel kind of “wrong” since you…Read More
There is a brand new space of ease, joy and glory that is available now that has never been available before. And as that space of creation continues to increase exponentially, it also creates a big ARGHHH in the people around us who would much…Read More
Do you have uncomfortable days sometimes? Days when consciousness and awareness just seem to make things harder instead of easier? Do you ever make yourself wrong those days? And try to go back to that “old” space that used to be more comfortable… Please don’t!…Read More
Today I am giving you my best shot at presenting a different perspective on allowance. It really isn’t the same as acceptance. And it really really isn’t being a doormat. Allowance is a more potent agent of change than most people ever realize. Join me…Read More
The definition we have of consciousness in Access Consciousness is… where everything exists and nothing is judged…. Now imagine if that was true about you & every choice you’ve ever made? What if you didn’t have to be perfect any longer? Come along to my…Read More
What would it be like to turn up your joy of living and change all of the things in your life you would like to change? When you start turning up your capacities, you begin to realize that you really are magic. The things that…Read More