Awareness Revolution Archives - Page 19 of 20 - Dr. Dain Heer

Awareness Revolution

Are You A Fighter?

Are you a fighter? Someone who continuously finds things to fight for? Or against? In your relationships, at work, in the world? In you?? What if being a fighter is not your only choice?  What if there is a completely different way of functioning in…Read More

Is Now The Time?

This summer, I had the amazing possibility of speaking at MindValley University at their recent event in Croatia. I discussed the subject of “Now Is The Time (We Are The Awareness Revolution)” and so much more! Come along with me on this adventure as I…Read More

What Are You Waiting For?

I don’t know about you, but I am VERY impatient. I want the change I am asking for to occur instantaneously… or preferably, yesterday. And yet, I still often find myself in “wait-mode”… What do I mean? Come along to Sao Paolo, Brazil and find…Read More

Beyond Judgement

Recently, I had the immense pleasure of speaking with Amrit Sandhu of Inspired Evolution.  We discussed what judgement is, awareness, consciousness, lightness, many of the amazing tools of Access Consciousness, and so much more. Please join Amrit and I as we discuss an immense array…Read More

Now Is The Time

I recently had the amazing possibility of speaking at MindValley University at their recent event in Croatia. I discussed the subject of “Now Is The Time (We Are The Awareness Revolution)”, and you’re invited to this amazing experience here.  I’m so grateful. What if there…Read More



