Awareness Revolution Archives - Page 20 of 20 - Dr. Dain Heer

Awareness Revolution

The Tree Is Back

Not sure if you’ve noticed but most people live in a weird, weird world during the holidays. Now…that is NOT YOUR WORLD. Or rather, it doesn’t have to because YOU HAVE TOOLS. (Hurray!) This instalment of the Tour of Consciousness is a mini-reminder of some of…Read More

The Mighty Receiver

In this series, I’ve often talked about the phenomenal gifting and receiving that is possible with horses, trees, plants, birds, rivers, mountains, butterflies and rain…. All that, and every single living molecule on this vibratingly beautiful planet of ours. But what about inanimate objects? Like…Read More

Being You

I’m currently in Sydney, Australia facilitating an amazing class called, “Being You Changing The World”.  While here, I had the possibility of being interviewed by the phenomenal Wellness Woman Radio Show. So grateful for this amazing conversation.  What else is possible when you be you?…Read More



