No More Lies Today
All I ever really cared about – ever since I was a kid – was to be HAPPY. And to make other people HAPPY. And for people to know what is TRUE for them. (Yep, I am a dreamer!) Here is the thing… We have…Read More
All I ever really cared about – ever since I was a kid – was to be HAPPY. And to make other people HAPPY. And for people to know what is TRUE for them. (Yep, I am a dreamer!) Here is the thing… We have…Read More
Being You In A World Of Filters How much of our world is so carefully curated that it feels like we don’t even know who we are anymore? I was recently interviewed on the 7NewsDC TV channel about Being Authentically You in a World of…Read More
At this moment, the world is buzzing with so much information! How can you tell what is true and what is not? And how can you tell what is true for you? And as seekers, we tend to search high and low for something that…Read More
Here’s a brief visit back in time from the canals of Venice, where I discuss a tool that is such a gift during these immense times of change. You, my friend, are way more psychic than you ever wanted to know! You’re actually like a…Read More
How many points of view do you get stuck in daily? Yours, other people’s, and the world’s? What if there was a way to get unstuck from pretty much anything, at any time, in total ease? Would you be interested? If yes, come along to…Read More
We are on the verge of creating a totally different world that… Includes all of us… And judges no one. A world that celebrates our differences, our uniqueness, and recognizes that THAT is actually the gift of us. What if we are the ones we’ve…Read More
I am interested in who WE TRULY BE… Beyond the mimic, the mask and the image. In my point of view, it is from that space we can create the future we truly desire and require…since it is from that space we’ll KNOW WHAT THAT…Read More
I am so excited you are here for this gift!!! In this segment, I talk of how ESB (Energetic Synthesis of Being) was created over 20 years ago… and so much more. What is truly possible in a world of receiving? This segment is from…Read More
Hold on kids, the magic carpet is taking off… We’re going on a little ride of AWARENESS! Are you ready to venture into the mysterious realms of transactional realities? And, how about hidden agendas? The reality is, folks, that almost everyone is doing “transaction” of…Read More
Choice is the most misunderstood capacity that we have. Choice has the capacity to create a different reality for us and others, the capacity to create a different life for us and others, and the capacity to create a phenomenal future for our world. When…Read More