Being Kind To You

Today I am taking you to the rolling hills of Texas, USA. And yep, I am wearing a cowboy hat again. It is one of those days. I’d like to talk to you about being kind…to you. And I’d like to talk to you about: STOP…Read More
Today I am taking you to the rolling hills of Texas, USA. And yep, I am wearing a cowboy hat again. It is one of those days. I’d like to talk to you about being kind…to you. And I’d like to talk to you about: STOP…Read More
I had a date in my diary for my suicide. I had a beautiful girlfriend and everything looked great. But I was dying inside. I woke up every day more and more depressed. I got to the point where I couldn’t handle it and I…Read More
Should you try and please everyone? There’s an old saying that “You can please some people all the time. You can please all of the people some of time; but you can’t please everyone all the time.” What if there is a different possibility? Here…Read More
The End of the BLEH-Day… Do you know what BLEH-day is? Well, it kind of the opposite of a wow-day… It is one of those days when nothing really seems right, good or even slightly enjoyable. Everything is just a bit off and…BLEH! But here is…Read More
We wrote a little book about baby unicorns. It tells the true tale about what would be possible if we all treated each other as we should be treated – instead of the way most of us have been treated. It is a guide on…Read More
All I ever really cared about – ever since I was a kid – was to be HAPPY. And to make other people HAPPY. And for people to know what is TRUE for them. (Yep, I am a dreamer!) Here is the thing: We have…Read More
As much as I would like to wave my magic wand and get rid of all of the judgment in the world, that’s not likely to occur anytime soon. Most of us know what it feels like to be judged. Whether we are judged for the…Read More
What if your past is completely irrelevant? What if it isn’t the past you need to change to create the life you truly desire? What if it is the future that can contribute the most to where you are right now? I went to a magical…Read More
If you would like to live your life with a sense of satisfaction and happiness, it is available. Right now. Start by making the choice to commit to your life, and then choose the happiness that is available. Here are three pragmatic tools that will…Read More
You can silence your inner critic. You can wake up in the morning and go through your day with a sense of joy and ease. It is possible. I am living proof. Many times, our dominating thoughts tell us that we are bad, that we are…Read More