Why Your Growth Makes Others Uncomfortable | The Tour of Consciousness

Ever notice how choosing something greater for yourself can make others uncomfortable?

You start thriving, feeling lighter, choosing more for YOU… and suddenly, people resist it. They judge, they try to pull you back, or they just don’t understand.

And here’s the thing: it’s not actually about you. Everyone is walking their own path. Some people hold onto the familiar, while others—like you—have the courage to explore something different.

It takes guts to step beyond what’s considered normal and choose what actually lights you up.

More in my new Tour of Consciousness video below!

So what if instead of judging them (or yourself), you embraced allowance?

What if you didn’t have to make their resistance real? What if you could choose to honor your journey and let them have theirs, without making either one wrong?

Because you, being you, is the most beautiful thing there is. 💫


P.S – If you’d like to visit more episodes of the Tour of Consciousness – there are many! Just go here to explore.

P. P. S – If you’re feeling a bit stuck on things and could use a little more support, head on over to check out my You Got This audios. There are audios for pretty much everything 😉

And for more information, tools, and resources, you can visit my website:



