When I was in Venice, Italy this spring I was full of awe and gratitude for the amazingly beautiful world we live in.
A world of wonders. How did we get so lucky?
During one lunch-break, I took a tour with a gondola and my camera, and recorded a greeting for you all:
Yep, it is about what you’ve made vital — again.
This one tool keeps rocking worlds — mine and other people’s. Country, culture, sex, age, none of that seems to matter.
Here’s the tool:
What have you made it absolutely vital to possess, that you would give up all happiness in order to sustain it? Everything that is will you destroy and uncreate it? Then run the The Access Clearing Statement.
We all have this in some form or another and changing it is one of the greatest keys to freedom that I’ve ever come across.
This one is a cooker. If you’re ready for some change, run it 30 times a day for 30 days and let me know what shows up!