Awareness Revolution Archives - Page 15 of 20 - Dr. Dain Heer

Awareness Revolution

Inspiring At Risk Youth

Meet my brother from another mother, the amazing John Ashford! 🙂  I got to speak with my good friend for International Being You Day on May 22, 2021! Please join me here as we talk about inspiring at risk youth! What if you being you…Read More

Your Point Of View Creates

I’m revisiting this oldie but goodie tool…. that is always relevant, especially now. Your point of view creates… And your point of view creates your reality, Please join me, as I revisit this recording from 2013 when I discussed this further in an excerpt from…Read More

Choice Superpowers

Choice is the most misunderstood capacity that we have.  Choice has the capacity to create a different reality for us and others, the capacity to create a different life for us and others, and the capacity to create a phenomenal future for our world. When…Read More

Why Consciousness?

I’m so grateful for this talk I got to do in 2015 in Stockholm, Sweden.  In a time, when so much is changing, there is so much to be said about why to even go towards consciousness. Please join me as I discuss how consciousness creates…Read More



