Being You Archives - Page 10 of 21 - Dr. Dain Heer

Being You

Are You A Whisperer?

Author   Category Being You

Are You A Whisperer? What if you have a unique way of interacting with the Universe that you’ve not yet fully explored? Let’s start here …   Here is the excerpt I read in the video, written by my friend Megan Hill: Take a moment…Read More

Everything We Experience Is Energy

Author   Category Being You

Everything we experience in this world is energy, and everything we experience has an energy to it. It wasn’t until I started understanding that energy is within all of us and everything – it’s our primary language, our basic nature – that I realized that,…Read More

Too Easy?

Author   Category Being You

Do you want to know the secret recipe to success? I have it! Just please know it doesn’t look like you think it will. At all. Come along to my ranch in Texas and I will tell you more. So what are you really good…Read More

Your Mutant Capacities

Author   Category Being You

Are you fighting for or against being different? Or are you actually doing both at the same time? A lot of us are! Come along to Noosa, Australia for my latest installment of the Tour of Consciousness… We desperately long to be the difference we…Read More

What Do You Truly Desire?

Author   Category Being You

If I ask you: What do you truly desire? Do you have the answer ready? Maybe even a ten-point list? Prioritized by importance? 🙂 Maybe. Some of you do. And many of you can’t find the right words and feel kind of “wrong” since you…Read More



