What Do You Truly Desire?

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Author   Category Being You

If I ask you: What do you truly desire?

Do you have the answer ready? Maybe even a ten-point list? Prioritized by importance? 🙂

Maybe. Some of you do.

And many of you can’t find the right words and feel kind of “wrong” since you have NO DARN IDEA how to express what you truly desire.

What if I am not asking for something that can’t be expressed in words?
What if I am asking for something very, very different?

Come along to Costa Rica, and I will tell you more…

Did you watch it?

If so, tap into that energy and allow what you desire to contribute to you.

Right now, while reading the end of this email.

Yep, just like that. That quick and that easy.


P.S. For more videos and tools as I travel around this beautiful world of ours, please visit my Tour of Consciousness page.

P.S.S. And for an even greater exploration, I have an upcoming “Taste of Being” class that you’re invited to! It will be available both online and live, and you can join in on the fun here.



