On blogradio: Dr. Dain Heer talks about claiming YOU on Regina's Universe

New Telecall Starting SOON – WHAT IF WE MAKE 2025 TRULY MIRACULOUS? >>

Author   Category Being You

This year really starts with a bang! Wow! The last couple of weeks, I’ve facilitated Access classes in the US, Australia and New Zealand… How did I get so lucky? And I am so amazed and grateful by the phenomenal beings showing up. Something is changing… The consciousness we be together is rocking the world!

The other day, right before getting on the plane to Auckland, I had the pleasure of being the guest on the blogtalkradioshow Regina’s Universe. We were looking at what it would take to truly be YOU. If you were you, who would you be? What would you be aware of? And what could you receive and generate from that place? What would be possible if you asked for what you truly desired?

Here is link if you like to listen.

My next stop is Stockholm, Sweden, if you happen to be around… And what else is possible?



