Hello friend! 🙂
Have you ever experienced SO much change and didn’t have the words to speak to any of it?
Yep, that’s been me – I’ve pretty much been in hibernation mode from making videos.
But, I’m out of my cave now with so many things to say!
So, I’d love to have a little conversation with you about something we’ve been exploring is classes lately: personalities.
Personalities are the structure of programs that you think are you, but actually are not your being.
It’s what you create to interface with the world, to handle situations, to cope.
They get activated in situations – like if someone is mean to you or lies to you. Or when you think you have to be a certain way with people.
And, it’s not wrong!
We’ve all done this. It’s just a limitation on what is possible – so if you are seeking something different in your life, like seeking more ease, then this is essential to look at!
Us getting free and clear of these things is a gift for ourselves and everyone else around us.
– When you go into reaction to anything, ask: is this personality or being?.Then run the Access Consciousness Clearing Statement.
– Your being always functions from lightness… From knowing, perceiving, receiving and being. Anytime you get heavy or crunchy, you are functioning from personalities.
– What’s true for you always makes you lighter, a lie makes you heavier.
Watch the video below to hear me talk about it!
Whatever you do, do not let your personalities watch this – they’ll be terrified.
To being over personalities, and beyond!
P.S – If you’d like to visit more episodes of the Tour of Consciousness – there are many! Just go here to explore.
P. P. S – If you’re feeling a bit stuck on things and could use a little more support, head on over to check out my You Got This audios. There are audios for pretty much everything 😉
And for more information, tools, and resources, you can visit my website: