Is It Time to Speed Yourself Up?
If you live in a part of the world that celebrates Christmas — or any other holiday this time of year– good on you!
Welcome to one of the most interesting times of the year for the acutely aware! 🙂
This is my holiday greeting to you – and to anyone who sometimes comes across a holiday in their life and culture, whatever you may call them…
So, what if, in the face of everything you are aware of, you could speed things up instead of slow them down? Speed YOU up, instead of slow you down?
And what if you not slowing you down is what creates EASE and SPACE for you? Weird, I know.
What if you didn’t have to control anything?
And what if that is way more you being you, Speedy Gonzales?
Happy holidaze, Dain, aka The Flash
P.S. For more ease with the holidays, (and beyond!) explore my new podcast The Possibility Explorer!