4 Tips for a Better Relationship With Your Body

Starting SOON – The telecall you really need for 2025 – WHAT IF YOU TRULY LIVE THIS YEAR? >>

Author   Category Body Talk

How often do you try to improve your body with things like a cleanse, a diet, a new exercise routine, or supplements? Do you end up right back where you started after just a few days? Do you judge yourself and make yourself wrong for not having enough willpower to sustain it? Does your body end up having lasting change or do you go back to the same old routine?

If this sounds familiar, you’re not alone. What if this perpetual cycle has nothing to do with your willpower? What if it has everything to do with the relationship you have with your body?

For more than 15 years, I’ve been empowering people to start a new routine with their body, a routine that doesn’t start and end with judgment. And, instead starts with acknowledging the gift that the body is and has always been to your life.

Are you grateful for your body? Do you listen to it? Do you care for it as lovingly as you would your child, spouse, friend or parent? If the answer is no, that’s not surprising. We’ve grown accustomed to putting ourselves and our bodies last on the to-do list, after work, family and relationship commitments. In fact, most of us have learned to feel “selfish” if we take care of our own needs before others.

But here’s the thing: you can turn this around.

By following these easy tips, you can start enjoying a better relationship with your body right now. And, it will pave the way for a new, more authentic you in every aspect of your life.

Read my full article in Fitfluential for 4 tips to for a better relationship with your body.


How much gratitude can you have for your beautiful, sweet, sweet body?

Until next time beautifuls,




