As I travel around the world, I am so grateful for every class I facilitate because they are all so dynamically different. It’s different because the people that show up are different. The energy that each person brings is a gift; to me, to everyone in the class, and to every life that those people touch out in the world.
I would love to meet you in person (or have you join online), yet I do have one final warning…
Please know, choosing to come to one of these classes could totally change the way you function in the world…
- The BEING YOU classes are about empowering you to know that you know, and they give you an energetic experience of being that you won’t find anywhere else.
- They will provide you with tools that can assist you in changing any area of your life: your relationships, your body, your money situation and … your future!
- You’ll experience my energetic work (called Energetic Synthesis of Being, or ESB for short) live — this is where I work simultaneously with the beings and bodies in the class to create a space that allows the change you are asking for to come to be. In working with one person, the whole class is invited to that transformation.
PS – Learn more about the ‘Being You’ classes and join me by clicking here!