Are there things with your body you would like to change? Or even have tried to change for a very, very long time…without success? What if it is your fixed points of view that are actually creating everything about your body that you can not seem to change? And what if, if you were willing to change your fixed points of view, your body would change as well?
Yep, it sounds too easy, I know.
Come along to Marseille and explore this a few minutes with me.
Are you up for trying this? At least for one week?
Run this process 10 times in the morning and 10 times in the evening: What creation of my body from fixed points of views am I using to create the limitations I can not change, am I choosing?
Let me know how it goes?
Dain & His Happy Body
P.S. For more Tour of Consciousness videos from my travels around this beautiful planet, please go to http://www.tourofconsciousness.com.
P.S.S. And for even more about bodies, check out our specialty classes of Right Body For You here.
Grateful for you and your body!