We’re at a crux point in time my friend…and your energy, your choice and your difference is what will create the future. (No pressure!)
If you knew how truly beautiful this world could be, would you allow anything to stop you from creating it? If you knew, that when you needed it most, you could simply ask and receive whatever information or contribution was required … would you ever again not ask? If you knew how much everyone and everything around you could be a contribution to you, would you ever have to separate from you or anyone else again?
It is easy to go into resistance and reaction, and judgement and even….despair at times.
What if none of that was real or required? What if we, my friends, are the finders of possibilities, never even imagined before?
I made you a video, about the WORLD OF POSSIBILITIES…
How much bigger can your ask be?
Grateful for you,
P.S. And for further exploring right now…
Six videos about the tools I use every single day: https://drdainheer.com/whatnow/.