We all have crappy days.
Yes, me too. (If you’ve been around for a while, you know this!)
And they are not crappy days per se… They are days of extreme un-comfort and discomfort, due to an intense and instant increase of consciousness.
Hence, this installment of the Tour of Consciousness offers you a 12-minute Crappy Day Workout, that could, if you use it, allow you some more ease and peace on the days when your allowance is still catching up with your awareness.
Come along to my meandering-what-else-is-possible-path!
The Conqueror of Crappy Days
P.S. For more videos, tools and amazing questions for change, please visit my Tour of Consciousness page here.
P.S.S. And for further exploring…
– What now? Six videos about the tools I use every single day: https://drdainheer.com/whatnow/.
– Who Does This Belong To? A whole playlist about the first tool I would give an alien can be found here.