Being Your Difference In The World
Author   Category Limitless Living

Some of you have been traveling with me for quite some time now, visiting places all over the world… And yet — there is SO MUCH MORE! So much more to discover, explore and learn from, so much more to receive, and gift.

This wondrous, beautiful earth of ours continues to surprise and inspire me… and the people walking on it even more so!

This Tour of Consciousness was from a visit, many years ago, when I was in China.  I had the pleasure of facilitating a class in the beautiful, fascinating and very different city of Hong-Kong.

Come along on my run in the harbour!

See, consciousness truly includes everything and judges nothing. For me, that means that every difference I find in the world, in every country, city and in each and every one of you, is an amazing, phenomenal gift.

What if the difference you be is exactly what this world requires?

Are you ready to unleash you?


P.S. Would you like to sign up for this free video series? Please go here.

P.S.S. And for additional tools and further exploring right now…

Six videos about the tools I use every single day:



