Awareness Revolution Archives - Page 17 of 20 - Dr. Dain Heer

Awareness Revolution

How To Inspire Right Now

I totally get it is much easier to align and agree with the doom and gloom and sense of catastrophe. Or resist and react and dismiss everything as humbug and conspiracy theories! What if there is an entirely different possibility? What if you BE that…Read More

What Is Right About You?

I sometimes start my classes a few days before they actually begin. Like today! Ever since I woke up, I’ve been pondering the possibilities for a telecall that takes off tomorrow. In that noodling around, I stumbled across a tool I wanted to share with…Read More

Global Access Bars Day!

Tomorrow is one of my favorite days of the year… The Global Bars Day! Twenty-four magic hours when tens of thousands of people are running bars simultaneously, all around the Earth. So what would it take for you to have your bars run tomorrow? For…Read More

Snap Out Of It

Do you sometimes get tweaked when you browse through Facebook or Instagram? Do some posts even piss you off? Or make you go… IS THIS ALL THERE IS?!?!? And do you secretly think that you are like The Grinch, basically begrudging everyone their happy? Well,…Read More

Getting Over The Yuck

What if the thing that makes us more normal, average, and real than anything else is having YUCK in our life? In this reality, it is considered perfectly normal to have problems and issues and be a bit …cranky.  I am not disagreeing. That is…Read More



